Cycle Tracking

As people who menstruate and ovulate, our cycles are a fusion of science and spirit, a merging of the physical and the mystery. Often referred to as getting your moon, red moon, or moonblood, our periods have been compared to the night sky — the dark time. There is mystery in the darkness, shown time and time again through the stories and traditions around the world connected to the power of menstruation and the moon blood. Much has been hidden about these traditions, as well as the basic knowledge of how our cycles work, what is happening physiologically and hormonally, and the innate wisdom that our cycles show us.

Cycle Tracking is a practice that can take many forms, though its foundation is observing specific biomarkers that our body is showing us (cervical fluid, cervical position, LH testing, and basal body temperature). What can be added to this practice, depending on personal goals, are the less tangible parts, such as one’s emotional, spiritual and mental experiences. After several months of charting cycle after cycle, one can begin to watch their unique patterns emerge, and perhaps see how their cycles might influence them more than simply bleeding (and/or ovulating) once a month.

These patterns give us a window into how our four main sex hormones are doing, what hormone(s) may be in or out of balance, and the quality of the relationship between these hormones (which can mean a lot for our whole body). Through our daily observations, these emerging patterns can show us our fertile and infertile windows, offering us great power in our decision-making pregnancy and healthcare. Observing our unique patterns can also help us touch in more deeply to living cyclicly; the health of our hormones and body are heavily influenced by our rhythms,
cycles and patterns.

This work and offering is for anyone with a uterus. All genders welcome.

some initial cycle
tracking questions…

Have you never learned your natural ovulation cycle?
Do you want to know more confidently when you can and cannot get pregnant?
Have you noticed different types of mucus and you don’t know if it’s normal and what it means?
Have you felt disconnected to your bleeding and ovulation time, and want to tune in more deeply?
Are you having a hard time getting pregnant, and want to be more certain you know when you’re most fertile?
Are you coming off hormonal birth control and getting to know your cycle for the first time since you were a teenager?
Do you want to rest more in your power instead of relying on others/birth control to feel safe and secure?
Are you entering your bleeding time or nearing the end your ovulating years, and want more support?

If you answered yes to any one of the questions, and are curious to learn more, I’d love to connect.


  • Initial Consult call

    Let’s chat on the phone for 15-20 minutes to see if we are a good match to work together

  • 1:1 cycle tracking support

    Together, we’ll learn to track your unique cycle for your overall vitality and health, avoiding pregnancy or trying to conceive

  • cycle tracking group class

    As we circle together, we will explore and start to reclaim the magic and wisdom of our cycles and bodies